Privacy and Policy

The following terms you or user refer to each person visiting Protecting your personal data is very important to us. By visiting our website, you provide us with some personal data. This policy explains how we use it. You can visit our website and explore it without providing us with personal data.

What information do we collect about you?

We only collect personal information from you when you order goods or services on our website, when you complete any customer survey, or through cookies.

We collect this information in order to enable orders, such as name, address, or payment information.

Cookies and Google Analytics

What are cookies? Cookies are small text files placed on your computer while visiting websites. They are necessary to have websites work more efficiently or to provide information to the website’s owners. We collect cookies to remember your IP address, so that you can save time when coming back on our website. To get more information about cookies, please visit

How we use the information we collect from you?.

We collect and use your personal data on secured servers. We ask third organisms to check and certify our confidentiality principles.